We are presenting the most common questions our clients ask us in a Q & A (Questions and Answers) format that we hope will be useful. Our knowledge of this subject relates to nearly two decades of experience in this field working with hundreds of clients. We welcome feedback and comments from any readers on the usefulness or content of this section.

What makes Lapis Financial Strategies different other financial planning firms?

  1. Macro-economic planning: Many planning processes only focus on the first phase of money, accumulation, but there are actually two more: distribution and preservation. Macro-economic planning takes in consideration all three phases of money simultaneously. This provides for peak efficiency of money and a more comprehensive, cohesive and successful plan.
  2. Education: We at Lapis Financial take the time to teach our clients the benefits and costs of each financial product, teach them proven macro-economic financial strategies, and assist them in implementing these strategies to achieve their goals and dreams. All we ask of our clients is a desire to learn and an open mind. Through our education process we will challenge traditional financial strategies you may have learned or read about. We will not ask you to believe our strategies over these strategies. Instead we will measure and compare each strategy against one another and each client will ultimately decide the right strategy for themselves.
  3. Service: Our clients are offered annual reviews and are also encouraged to call us with any financial questions they may have throughout the year. We provide ongoing service with strategies that have been implemented as well as providing service for new strategies due to changing goals and circumstances.

What will it cost me to go through your process?
We work with whatever dollar amount a client is currently spending a year on debt, insurance, and investments. In other words, we will not ask you to spend more than you already are. Instead we will evaluate all your current financial decisions. Where we see inefficiencies and waste we will strive to stop those strategies and bring those extra dollars back into your pocket. You will then decide if you want to reinvest them into wealth accumulation strategies or keep those new found dollars to improve your lifestyle.

How do I get started?
Simply contact us by phone or email. We will be happy to answer any additional questions you may have and send you a confidential questionnaire to complete.